Engine of Covid-19 Recovery

How Young China is a driving force in a global Covid-19 recovery

A new reality of 2021 is that businesses are forced to look towards China for growth. Covid-19 has disrupted some trends and accelerated others. With much of the world half-shuttered, China open shops and businesses mean that the Young China consumer will be a crucial factor in a global recovery. Even “non-China” companies are increasingly China companies: from Microsoft to Air Bnb to Apple to Nike.

In this keynote, Zak explores how young China – the engine of China’s consumer and innovation economies – has reacted to the punch of Covid-19 and how they are shaping up as global consumer, competitor, and collaborator.

This insightful and data-driven session will:

  • Dive deep into consumer sentiment of post-Covid19 China. What is seen as “worth it”? How resilient are consumers?
  • Explore the path forward laid out by the government and private organizations to protect business growth and trade partners.